Handling Business Relocation Like a Pro

Sarah Lifestyle

Business relocation is not the same thing as a regular move. You see, while it may be necessary, the longer it lasts the worst it will be for your business. This is mostly because the moving period represents the downtime. Furthermore, during the moving equipment gets misplaced and even contacts lost, which are all the things you need to prevent from happening. That is why it could be prudent for you to consider taking the help of local office removals with great reviews, who can help you out with the process. Nonetheless, even if you decide to hire movers, there might be some tasks that you might have to accomplish on your own, such as preparing the budget for the relocation, ensuring all the necessary office equipment is placed correctly, and informing your employees and customers about the move. That said, here are a few tips which may help you take care of all of this and handle your business relocation like a pro.

1. Make a timetable

First things first, you need to keep in mind that every project you are currently on is a race against the clock. There are so many tasks that need to be done in the shortest time-span and you are bound to forget something unless you manage to follow a detailed timetable. First of all, your entire senior management needs to give their approval for the relocation decision, you need to review the lease, define relocation requirements and then establish a moving budget.

After this is set and done, you need to proceed to the selection of the new office and here you will be faced with a new set of chores. For example, you need to inspect potential business space and arrange few more viewings in order to make sure you didn’t make an oversight that you will later come to haunt you. Next, you need to receive detailed cost-analysis and see how they fare against your preset budget. Once you have this covered, you need to have your solicitor approve lease term and documentation and have it all ready to be signed.

In the very end, you should think about furnishing space by making a full inventory of the furniture you have and compare it against those items you will have to acquire in the future. Finally, you need to embark on the in-depth remodeling of a new business space. All of these things, and much more need to be arranged in proper order, preferably with a date of completion standing next to them. Sure, delays are always a possibility, but sticking to this blueprint can save you a lot of effort in the future.

2. Deal with technical issues

Planning is a vital step of any move, but the execution always needs to take the forefront. You see, during a move, you probably won’t have the privilege of buying new equipment for your target destination, but will be forced to move your old one and incorporate it into the new environment. During the move, there is always the risk of some of your valuable assets getting misplaced or mishandled, which can be a costly mistake at the very least. Because of this, it might be best to look for truck rental and monitor the move personally.

3. Notify persons of interest

In the end, it is vital that everyone of importance knows about your move. Compose a list of all people who absolutely need to know about the move. For example, you need to notify your landlord, your staff, your suppliers, your partners and in the end even your clients (respectively). Once you are done with this, you may want to cancel any subscriptions, notify the bank and at the very end change your address on a company website, promotional products and business cards.


By addressing just these three steps (planning, execution and informing persons of interest) you can easily make your move much smoother than expected. In this way, you can rest assured that there are no loose ends back at your old location, that the loss caused by the move is next to inexistent and, of course, that everyone who needs to know you are relocating finds out in time. With the right organization, this shouldn’t be that hard to pull off.