4 Most Common Misconceptions About Divorcing With Kids


Getting a divorce is a challenging and emotionally taxing experience, regardless of the circumstances that lead to it. When two people enter into marriage with the intention of spending their lives together, the realization that the relationship has come to an end can be deeply saddening. This emotional turmoil can be compounded when children are involved. Suddenly, it’s not just about the couple; it’s also about the well-being of the children who depend on them.

However, divorce doesn’t have to be entirely negative. While it certainly presents challenges, enlisting the assistance of a family law lawyer can make the process more manageable. These legal professionals can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and work out the details of the divorce agreement. They can provide guidance on the best course of action for both parties and ensure that the process is carried out fairly and equitably.

Despite this, it is possible that you would have misconceptions related to divorce and its impact on families:

You Can Never Be Friends Again

Many people think that two parents who decide they are no longer in love and no longer wish to pursue a life together don’t have a chance of being friends anymore. However, these two people can still be entirely respectful and even admire each other without being in a relationship anymore.

Even if the beginning of the separation is challenging and things aren’t always peaceful, by attempting to find a resolution together you can eventually reach an amicable relationship again.

The Kids Will Be Impacted Negatively Impacted Forever

Some couples postpone breaking up for much too long out of fear of negatively impacting with children. However prolonging staying together in a loveless and dysfunctional relationship will actually do more damage to children than the divorce itself.

Kids are incredibly resilient and capable of making it through situations which we often believe are too difficult for them. Your children are perfectly able to survive a divorce without sustaining lifelong emotional damage as long as you put in the work and assure them that they are safe and loved.

It Will Be a Long and Drawn Out Process

Many people have heard horror stories about divorces that drag on and on for years in lengthy custody battles. However, this isn’t always the situation. If two parents can come together and calmly come to an understanding of what the best is for the children, then it can be as fast as only a few months. It’s all about communication and understanding from everyone’s end.

You’ll Never Find A New Partner

A common misconception about people who are going through a divorce is that they think they will never find a new partner. This perception of themselves as “damaged goods” is completely off the mark. Plenty of divorced couples find new partners and live happily ever after in the second chapter of their lives.

Sometimes things simply don’t work out or they are meant to be forever. This doesn’t mean that you are not worthy of finding love again.