4 Tips For Returning To Work After After a Baby


Returning to work after having a baby is something that every woman on maternity leave has to prepare for. After giving birth you can have a lot of emotions running through you about how exactly you will handle being separated from your new baby after bonding with them so much over the last few months.

Women have been doing it for years, however, and it is completely possible to do too even though you may feel like it’s impossible. Try the following tips to make sure that you make a successful return back to work with the least amount of stress.

Start Slowly

Rather than charging back into work as if you haven’t skipped a day, take it slowly and be patient with your process. Rushing isn’t a good idea since you could cause yourself to burn out quickly. And when you begin working, try to find a babysitter with sosgarde or a similar agency. This can help you relieve the tensions that come with leaving your child home. Not just that, you can be assured that there is a designated caregiver present to take care of your child.

Don’t Worry About How You Look

The first thing that a lot of women worry about is their appearance returning to work since having a baby can take its toll on the way that you look. The late sleepless nights can start to make your face look haggard, your breasts may be leaking, and you may feel like a deflated version of your older self.

Rather than letting this preoccupy your mind, instead, try to make an effort to be patient with yourself and remember that it is perfectly normal for you to not look on your best form. Having a baby is something that can make even the best of us look worn out. So rather than pressuring yourself into thinking that you need to run out the door and get surgery, recognize that you are in a perfectly normal state of exhaustion and it will take a little while to bounce back to your normal self.

Make Sure That You Are Emotionally Ready

When you are ready to go back to work then you will know. If you have major hesitations that go further than a little worry, then you should have a serious talk with your partner about whether you think that you are ready or not.

You won’t be able to focus at work if you are constantly worried about your baby at home and don’t feel right about it.

Pump Throughout The Day

If you are breastfeeding you will want to make sure that you get into a nice pumping schedule. You should pump frequently throughout the day in order to keep your milk supply up and to avoid engorged breasts. If you don’t pump you could end up getting mastitis which is incredibly painful and may even require medication in order to be able to cure.