Hair And Make Up Tricks While On Holiday

Beauty Lifestyle Travel

Don’t you hate it when your hair gets super dry after a swim in the sea and looking like a zombie when all make up has been washed off? And you cannot wash away the horrors of not putting on enough sun screen. Well, here are some tips that will help you out and make your holiday more enjoyable. If your holiday time isn’t anytime soon and you’re tired of waiting for the time to come you can check out– where you can play on holiday themed slot games such as: Spring Breaker, Leprechaun Goes Egypt, Crystal Clear and Holiday Season to give you that holiday kick and to pass the time!

We’ve gathered some must have items to remain on top during your holidays!

Bronzing Your Sun Cream

As you know bronzing sun cream can be quite costly and sometimes you might forget to write that on your list of things to buy. If you’ve got a make-up kit, get some lotion or some sun cream and mix some bronzer or glittery eye shadow with it to get a nice shimmering glow to your skin.

Treating Your Sunburn

This could be the worst thing to ever go through on holiday. Take cold showers using unscented soaps. Unscented because the perfumes in the soap will encourage the irritation and burning of the skin.

Gel Eye Liner

Forgot your gel or liquid eye liner? Just get your normal eye pencil and slightly heat up the tip with a lighter, it will soften the crayon and give it a glossy look.

Maintaining Your Hair

Instead of torturing your hair and washing it continuously with dry shampoos. When your hair gets greasy, opt in for some baby powder. Lightly dust on some baby powder in the roots of your hair and massage it through your scalp then shake it off. This should help keep your hair glowing and wavy.

Sand Repellent

A swim in sweet water and sea water is completely different. When you get out of the sea after a swim, your skin gets clammy and you become a sand magnet. Use baby powder to keep the sand from sticking to your skin. Just apply some to your body and dust off the sand, this should keep it away.


It’s tradition to buy new stuff every time we go on holiday. Shoes, we buy and then we decide to wear them before we break them out and the end of the day we end up with blisters. To avoid this, spray some deo or apply some roll-on on your feet before wearing your new shoes. This will stop your feet from sweating and fight blisters from forming.


For a carefree holiday, consider waxing or laser hair removal in Naples, FL (or nearby). Stay smooth and confident without the hassle of constant shaving. Embrace your vacation adventures with ease and wear all those beautiful beach dresses you’ve been saving in your wardrobe forever.

Thicker Hair

Having some trouble with your hair looking thin? Just grab some eyeshadow of your hair colour and dust it where needed. Works wonders!

Highlights/Lightening Your Hair

This could happen more naturally than you ever think it could. After a dip in the sea, your hair will slightly get paler. If you would like sections of your hair to be more pale, rub some lemon on them and sun bathe. You’ll be ready for a night out!

Maintaining Your Hair

Since you prepped yourself for holidays, you must have had your hair re-done at the salon and it must’ve cost a fortune. To keep your colour intact, spray some apple cider vinegar on your hair. This shall help it set.

Make Up Removal

If you’re too tired from the lovely night out to remove your make up, keeping a pack of baby wipes or make up wipes can always be handy. All you must do is wipe, throw and sleep!