Haris Ahmed – Steps You Need to Take To Be Successful in Business

Sarah Lifestyle

If you want to be successful in business then there are some steps that you will need to take in order to catapult yourself from small time to the big leagues. Many years ago I was working on my food truck which I had on the corner of my block Roemoville, Chicago when I got talking to woman about business. I am quite the believer in fate and this woman must have been sent to me by the business gods because of the great advice she offered me, so great that I didn’t she was not even charged for her tacos and I paid for them myself!

The ideas which this lady gave me stayed with me throughout my life and I used them to create my content marketing business with my buddy Haris Ahmed. I get asked a lot about how people can make it in business and I thought I’d share with you what this lady told me all of those years ago.

Sacrifice to Win

In order rot be a success in business you need to be absolutely 100% committed to what you are doing and be prepared to make sacrifices in order to make it happen. Throughout my years in business I have seen so many people complain that they aren’t becoming successful or that they can’t grow their business, whilst they are working just 9 hours per day and relaxing for the rest of it. If you want to win, you have to work for it.

Playing the Long Game

If you are planning to create a business and you expect it to be an overnight success, your odds on winning are going to be pretty long. First of all overnight successes do not exist, they amy seem like it but behind them are hours and hours of hard work. Secondly, life is not a sprint, it is very much a marathon and you should be planning for 2,3 or 4 years from now in order to gain the success that you want. If you think like this then you will always have one foot into the future, a great characteristic of someone who is successful in business.

Just Execute

So many people lose out in the business world because they sit on an idea too long, they make excuses as to why they can’t do something yet or they try so hard to create something perfect that they lose their gap in the market Whatever your business is, and whatever products or services you are looking to bring through, make sure that you execute as soon as you possibly can. Don’t allow excuses to exist, there are always ways around or over obstacles and the key is to have the dedication and the positivity to find those solutions and execute as much as you possibly can.

Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to becoming successful in business.