Joe Cianciotto – Tips on How to Create an Awesome Social Media Campaign


If you are looking to market and create a buzz around your business then one of the best places to do exactly that is on social media. Social media is a medium that is used by millions of people multiple times each day and that gives you access to all of these people in the click of a button. In the main you won’t have to spend very much money on social media marketing but you can use sites like Facebook to invest in a campaign and target who sees your marketing.

The only downside with promoting on social media is that it is not difficult or expensive to do which means that just about anyone can do this and the marketplace can get pretty crowded. In order to stand out therefore, it is important that you social media campaign is highly creative so that people will take notice of your business or product when it features on their news feed. We spoke to marketing guru Joe Cianciotto to find out what characteristics an awesome social media campaign should have.

Who’s Your Target Market ?

The first thing you need is to work out who you want to be engaged by your campaign. This is highly important as it is only once you have ascertained who the campaign will be for, that you can start tailoring it towards that demographic.

Analyzing the Competition

Next you need to understand who your competition is, and what kind of campaign they are running.   If the competition are already going strong with their marketing campaign, you can attack the market either by belittling them or by avoiding the techniques which they are using to attract more customers.

Call to Action

If you are going to land big with your marketing campaign, you need to ensure that you have featured a call to action within your campaign. A call to action is basically a way in which you can encourage people who are seeing your ad, to engage with it. You can ask a question or an opinion as part of your campaign to get people to engage with it. Engagement is key to success with a social media campaign and if you are able to get it, your campaign is likely to be far more successful.

Creating a Wow Factor

The hardest part of creating a successful campaign is to create a wow factor, something which will stop people in their tracks and make them pay attention. There is no real rule of thumb when it comes to this and you are going to need to be highly creative in order to pull it off. Make sure that you ignore what other people have done in the past, be inspired by all means but never copy. Try to think outside of the box when it comes to planning this side of your ad campaign and remember that no idea is a bad idea.