Lists and Registries: Make Them Work for You and Your Family


Organized families have ways that they stay organized. And many times it will all filter down to the ideas of lists and registries. Registries are more for other people to incorporate their desires into your life. Lists are more about internal affairs. Especially with all of the digital applications regarding registries these days, staying organized has taken on a brand-new sense of efficiency.

Think of things like wedding registries, family to do lists, baby showers, and a real-time shopping list that is updated on everyone’s cell phones and mobile devices. That is a pretty broad range of applicability, and it’s all from the idea of staying organized by having all of your information in one place. Technology is great at promoting different styles of information consistency.

Wedding Checklist

Have you ever seen a disorganized wedding? They are an absolute mess. And if you don’t create the wedding registry for your wedding, or you don’t follow a wedding checklist for someone else’s, then you are contributing to the mayhem.

Thankfully, in this digital age, there are more efficient ways to keep track of the items people need or desire, creating a smoother experience for couples embarking on their new life together. Whether you have various wedding theme ideas (such as rustic wedding venue concepts) or a multitude of menu options to consider, a comprehensive checklist allows you to carefully document every detail, ensuring that everything falls seamlessly into place.

To Do Lists

With 8 billion people in the world, there are 8 billion different variations of the to-do list. Some popular to-do apps at least combine the best ideas in the world into a simple digital format.

If you have a family to-do list that everyone has access to, there won’t be anyone doubling up on doing the dishes, and there won’t be ten different people saying that they thought someone else was going to do the vacuuming. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Baby Showers

After the chaos of a wedding registry, the next culprit as far as disorganization goes would be a baby shower. When you organize a baby shower, there are a few family aspects to consider.

If the baby shower is for you, you want your guests to have the most organized way possible of getting you the necessities. If you’re going to someone else’s baby shower, you need to pay attention to their digital lists of what they want to avoid wasting time and money.

Shopping Lists

And finally, there is the family shopping list. What used to be someone scribbling notes on a piece of paper on the refrigerator is now a reasonably advanced application that lives in the cloud.

Some apps even talk to smart refrigerators that tell you what they are missing from inside them! That is some next level business, and when used correctly, can make your family shopping run that much more smoothly.