Things No One Tells You About Having a Second Child


Many parents set out to have a second child not realizing that there are a few unexpected things that come along with this new journey. When you expand your family you expect the work to double. This makes sense logically of course, however, if you think your work will double. your math is just slightly off. Bringing a new family member on is not just double but exponentially more work.

In order to make sure that you are properly prepared for this incoming change in your family, you should take a look at the following things that no one ever told you about having a second child.

Your House Will Feel Much Smaller

When you have another child not only will you be adding another body to the house, but also all of the things that come along with another person. There will be more furniture, more toys, and more overall stuff.

You may want to consider looking for a new house. If the place you live in now is already feeling a little cramped you may find that a new house is the best solution in order to accommodate your growing family. For that, you can either look for pre-built houses on the market or consider getting a new one built with the help of Southdown Homes. It may be a huge task to imagine moving while pregnant or with a newborn but in the long run, it will be a lot more comfortable.

Your Laundry Will Triple

There is no secret about it. Kids stain their clothes. Whether they are pooping their onesies, doing art projects or falling in the mud, there are always going to be stained to clean out. Your laundry basket will not only be fuller with a second child but your washing machine will be overflowing with clothes.

Make sure that you are prepared for this. You should stay on top of your laundry duties by throwing in a load at least once a day. This way you won’t find yourself gasping for air trying to catch up after letting it slip for several weeks.

You Will Never Go In The Bathroom Alone Again

There is some kind of magnetic vortex that sucks children into the bathroom when you go. They seem to be under the impression that there is a huge party going on and they don’t want to miss out on it.

Gone are the days that you can go into the bathroom quietly and enjoy a peaceful session alone until you are finished. Once you have multiple kids you will see fingers through the cracks of the doors, banging, and sometimes screaming that they miss you.

You Will Forget What Sleeping Was Like

You can kiss sleeping in goodbye. If one of the kids sleeps in usually the other one will be awake. You can always count on one of your children to be up at the crack of dawn and jumping into your bed, crying for morning cartoons and cereal.