Tips For Keeping Stress Levels In Control As a Parent


Any parent knows that every day can be a struggle just to keep your cool. Between having to juggle multiple personalities, needs, take care of finances, make sure that everyone is fed and bathed, and then take care of your own needs on top of that it can be a lot for a parent to take on.

Even though stress levels may get high and rightfully so, it doesn’t mean that you have to let take over your state of being. Raising a family can be one of the biggest tasks that a person has to take on. But you can make it much easier on yourself by keeping your stress levels under control by doing the following things.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness means being aware of your feelings as they arrive and observing how you respond to them. You don’t have to be your feelings even though you may feel them. Next time you start to feel stress as one of your children starts screaming or throwing a fit, observe the anger and frustration start to rise inside of you. Let the feelings come and go, and just as quickly as they arrived, let them leave again.

This is a great way to take control of your feelings anytime you start to feel overwhelmed. Acknowledge how you feel, feel it, then release it.

Take Breaks

As a hard-working parent, you owe yourself a break from time to time. You could do this by asking your partner to take over for you, or a friend or family to babysit your child. When you’re brimming with stress and fatigue, you’d want to break away from the compact and do the things that help you relax. It could be you visiting a spa for a much-needed massage, or hitting the gym to break a sweat. You could even consult a cannabis doctor to prescribe you a few strains to try out if there are laws that allow the legal consumption of the herb for medicinal purposes. But since you have a child at home, you’d want to hide the smell of marijuana after you’re done. But regardless of what you choose to do, you should ensure that you feel refreshed and ready to take on your parenting responsibilities.

Remind Yourself That They Are Only Children

Even though your children may be old enough to know the difference between what is right and wrong, this doesn’t mean that they are adults. You can start to expect a lot from kids as they start getting older than 4 and this can lead to frustration from your end as a parent because of you unfulfilled expectations.

When you start to get angry that they aren’t living up to your expectations, remember, you are the adult and they are the child. It is your job to stay calm and in control. It is their job to learn and follow with you as an example.

Remember, it is better to revive yourself rather than get angry and potentially lose control in front of your children. They are little sponges and will soak up whatever you show them.