What’s A Mom To Do? 3 Signs That Your Adult Child May Need Professional Help For Substance Abuse


It is ok to admit that being a mom is one tall order. From babies to toddlers to kids to teens, a mother’s job is never done. Even adult children need their moms every now and then. Once your children become adults the worries of a mother can be even more serious. What do you do when you suspect your child of having an issue with substance abuse? If you think your child needs a Drug addiction treatment in Thailand or wherever you’re based, make sure to communicate with them beforehand. When is it okay to meddle and when should professional help be sought? Your baby may be an adult now but here are a few signs to look for to help you push them to get professional help for their addiction.

Sobriety And Relapsing Are Becoming A Pattern

If your loved one already knows that they have a problem and are trying to stay sober that is a good thing. However, if your child also has issues with relapsing this is a good indication that professional help will be useful. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has several articles detailing the science of addiction. One article reports that because of the chronic nature of the disease that is addiction, that “…relapsing to drug abuse at some point is not only possible, but likely.”

Their Environment Is Not Safe

A lot of addicts may be living in circumstances that are not conducive to their recovery. If your child is living in a “party” setting with roommates who drink and use drugs, or if your child has a partner who is also battling substance abuse, this type of environment is setting themselves up to fail. Seeking a professional addiction treatment facility with expertise in treating substance abuse may be the only option for your loved one.

They Are Being Enabled

Enabling can be a tricky subject because most of the time loved ones don’t even realize that they are hurting the addict and think they are helping them. Dr. Karen Khaleghi, a contributor for psychologytoday.com, wrote an article entitled “Are You Empowering or Enabling?” on this very topic. Khaleghi points out some important questions to ask yourself and other people in your child’s life if you think you could be enabling them such as “Do you often ignore unacceptable behavior?” and “Do you ever lie to cover for someone else’s mistakes?” It is important to determine if your adult child is being enabled. If so, it may be time for your child to seek help from a professional.

Motherhood is tough and even more stressful when your child is battling substance abuse. It is important to support them no matter what, but encourage them to get professional help if you see these signs.