Why Use a Part Exchange Service When Buying Mobility Chairs and Beds?


When you’re shopping for a mobility chair or bed, it’s common to get so wrapped up in the available features and styles that you forget to think about what’s happening with the furniture your new chair or bed is replacing. In the case of a rise and recline chair, you might not have to get rid of anything, but it’s usually best to take out one of your current armchairs to make some room. If you’re buying an adjustable bed, you’ll almost certainly need to remove the current one.

In answer to this problem, many mobility furniture suppliers are now happy to offer part exchange programs, meaning they’ll take your old furniture as well as deliver your new furniture. Here are just a few reasons why you should take advantage of such a service.

Helps Out with Costs

Buying an adjustable bed or rise and recline chair makes less of a dent in your finances when you use a part exchange service. Suppliers will provide you with a minimum payment for your old furniture, regardless of its condition. You’ll be able to put that money towards the new furniture, and you won’t even have to pay anyone to remove your old furniture.

Removes Old Furniture Just in Time

One of the problems with ordering new furniture is that you really need to have the old stuff out before the new stuff arrives. This can be a particular problem if you have mobility issues since you won’t really be in a position to go without a bed or supportive chair for too long. With a part exchange service, your old furniture will be taken away just as your new furniture is delivered, so the transition is seamless.

Saves You Hassle

Finally, part exchange programs are just so much more convenient than handling everything yourself. You won’t need to put the furniture up for sale or arrange any removal services, and you’ll only have your routine disrupted one time instead of twice.