10 Tips on Creating the Best Family Portrait

Sarah Lifestyle

What precious item would you want to save from your house if it was on fire? The most common answer is the family photos, as seen in this very interesting project called The Burning House. This is because photos document our past like nothing else does. It is important to keep in mind that when creating these memories, you need to make them memorable and valuable.
A family portrait will stay for the longest of time and would be a keeper in the house as a constant reminder of the love and caring in the family. We all understand that it is important to create a perfect family portrait that is decent. You may even want to consider hiring a professional photographer from Peachtree City family portraits to ensure that the photos are of the highest quality.

Family portraits show unity, love and affection. Although some people don’t like photos, it is important to have a family portrait. You can make this possible with very little planning. Have fun when creating these photos and you will realize how special they will be in 10 days or 50 years to come. Here are 10 Tips on creating the best family portrait.


Image – http://thecanvasfactory.com.au/

  • Be creative when positioning people

Ensure that everyone can be seen clearly in the photo. Be creative with how you place people in a family portrait. Depending on the number of the family members and space, you can create a pleasing picture. You can have them all on the ground holding hands and create a good head to head circle. Let them feel free and happy but in the right position.

  • Express Relationships

A stranger or visitor should be able to tell who is who from a good family portrait. The best way is to use facial expression, emotion and closeness in the family portraits. Holding and hugging are some of the best ways to express relationships. Apart from this, you can make generations differences obvious.

For instance, a grandfather followed by son followed grandson. A mother tenderly holding a newborn and the father smiling from behind is another way to bring out a new family portrait. Choosing the best place in the park, outside your home or in your living room are some of the best places to create a portrait.

Image – theguardian.com


  • Always Dress Right

This is your family image; you don’t want to portray a bad picture here. Ensure that the family wears shades of the same colour or same clothes for an interesting effect. You can also try mixing and matching to get different effects.

  • Use the Entire Frame

This tip is more effective for a young family. A family with two or three kids can look great. Hold each other and smile. Choose bright light to bring a great effect or have the photo taken at sunrise or sundown.

  • Use Acute Angles

Common pictures and positions are not always spectacular. Experiment with various angles without limiting the family members. Photos of a family on a picnic, having lunch on a dining table or having conversation tend to be spectacular and unique. Another way is to take them as they lie down or from the ground up as they face you.

  • Shine light on the photo

Light can either make or break any photographer or the portrait itself. Best family portraits look great when taken an hour before dusk. This is because the sun is lower on the horizon and you don’t get any harsh light. You can also use shades if you need to take the photo during the day. In case you have little light, try adding some light using a reflector or a flash.

  • Pose to Flatter

Do you have a family portrait that everyone one smiles when looking at it? I guess no because you have been too official in all your pictures. The tip here is to pose differently and try to achieve something different. For instance, mum and dad can lie down on the green grass with their two kids on top of them. Kids or parents can pip from the same tree as well.

  • Shoot in Manual Exposure Mode

The location where you are going to take the photo, time and type of camera are very important. Have control of all these elements and you will have an amazing family portrait.

  • Stagger the heads

This tip is not common, but there you have it. The main point is to avoid boring straight line, row or column of heads. Try diagonal lines because they tend to be dynamic and interesting. Try this in your grouping and you will have a spectacular family portrait.

  • Have Fun

Life is too short, have fun! Create some wacky shots at the end of your photo shooting session and you will realize that they tend to be the best. You can do a group squish with your family or mimic something funny that everyone in the family knows. In short, try to create memories!