3 Key Ways To Help Your Children Accept Divorce


Recently separated parents may find themselves asking how they can do their best to protect their children from the potentially adverse effects of going through a divorce. Kids struggling with their parents’ divorce often have troubles in school, social conflicts, and may even start experimenting with drugs and alcohol. The last thing parents want is their children’s developing negative behaviors or emotional traumas as a result of their separation.

Fortunately, it’s entirely possible to lessen the effects of divorce on children’s well-being. Although it may be challenging initially, children are resilient. With enough effort to create a positive co-parenting relationship with the other parent, you can make it through to the other side as a team.

When you’re going through a divorce splitting assets and balancing custody, among other things, could end up causing a rift between you and your partner. Handling all of this without it affecting your children can be very challenging, but there are ways to make it easier.

Here are some of the best tips for a healthy transition through divorce and helping your children adjust to the changes.

Create a Routine

​There are many different stages of the divorce process. One of the best things you can do to ensure things go as smoothly as possible through each stage is to maintain as consistent of a routine as possible. Consistency will give your children the chance to experience stability during a time of uncertainty.

It’s crucial to create a consistent schedule so that there are no questions about where your children are sleeping or who is picking them up from school. Having a routine leaves no room for feeling like they aren’t sure to expect what will happen next.

Keep Your Emotions in Check

Although it can be challenging to keep your emotions in check since you’re going through a significant change in your life, your kids are depending on you to lead by example. Stay calm as much as possible and always take time to reflect before you act.

Keep conflicts to a minimum although it may be challenging to stay calm, and remember that your children are always watching.

Maintain a Respectful Relationship with The Other Parent

It’s up to the mother and father to determine the family’s emotional state during and after the divorce has ended. The relationship between ex-spouses plays a crucial role in how friends, family and extended family accept the process.

If you display acceptance and healthy behavior, then they will follow suit.

In order to develop and maintain a healthy relationship, you should speak to each other patiently and respectfully without bashing each other.

If you have challenges staying calm with each other, then try communicating through email or text to avoid things escalating.

Being respectful with them as a co-parent is a behavior that’s learned over time even if you may not believe it’s possible in the beginning. With enough practice being patient and kind it will become a habit.