6 Essential Items I Wish I Would Have Brought to Boarding School


Moving into your boarding school dorm is a big change for any high school student. To start, you are away from home for the first time. Not to mention a whole student body full of new people, a new academic structure you will have to adjust to, and so many activities to participate in. You may have already cleared one hurdle of getting admission to the school through the SHSAT exam. For that, an SHSAT practice test is a great way to prepare, which you might have employed to pass the test with higher grades. However, you may have to face other challenges as well, be it making new friends or learning to live far away from home.

And, in the hustle of all of this excitement, it is easy to forget essential items needed to live on a daily basis away from home.

That’s why today we are giving you a list of everything you’ll need to get settled into your new home. This way you can enjoy the fun that lays ahead in both your academic and social life.

1. Bedding

You know that your dorm room provides a bed for you to sleep on, that much is for sure. But what you may not know is that nothing else comes with that bed.

And, while it may seem obvious to bring a pillow, sheets, and a comforter, what you may not know is that it is a good idea to bring extra sets of bedding just in case.

You don’t want to get caught washing your bedding and not have anything to sleep on that night. Have an extra set on hand, and always make sure to double check with the school you’ll be attending for bed dimensions.

2. Towels and Other Toiletries

Again, your college preparatory boarding high school dorm will have showers, but nothing else. And, just like the bedding sets, it is a good idea to bring multiple sets of towels.

This includes face, hand, and bath towels.

Also, it is really helpful to bring a shower caddy to carry all of your toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.) to the shared bathroom space in. More importantly, you must have shower shoes to use in the common shower space.

3. Trash Can

You might not think of this initially, but a small trash can will help you keep your dorm neat and tidy.

This is especially helpful for times when you are sharing a room with another student. Space is cramped and you don’t want to have nowhere to throw trash out.

4. A Small Fan

Depending on the boarding school you attend, you may not have access to an air conditioner, which can be dreadful during the warm summer months.

That’s why it is always recommended you bring a small fan with you to circulate the air and create a cooler environment. They also provide excellent white noise, which is helpful when living in a dorm situation for the first time.

5. Surge Protector

It is a no-brainer that you will need a desktop computer or laptop of some sort to do your work on while attending school. Though your school has computer labs, you will want a laptop that you can work on after hours, or at the very least in the quiet of your room.

This, paired with tablets, smartphones, and any other electronic devices you may have meant a lot of outlet use.

Adding a surge protector to your dorm room means you can plug in all of your devices at all times without hindering your roommate. It also means your devices are protected should there be a power surge throughout the building.

The last thing you need to do is fry all of your devices because you are missing a simple surge protector. If not saved in the cloud, that’s a lot of lost work. No to mention the money that you’ll need to replace any damaged devices.

6. Cleaning Supplies

In addition to the trashcan you packed with your belongings, it is highly recommended you bring some cleaning supplies as well so that you can keep your space feeling fresh. Consider window cleaner, paper towels, a broom, and even a duster.

In the end, you will never be fully prepared for the change that attending boarding school brings you, however, tapping into others’ experience and learning from them is going to give you a head start and a less stressful transition into dorm life.