The Drop Off: 5 Things to Carry in your Baby Bag


If you are the parent of a young child, you will know how important it is to always be prepared, what with pampers, milk and clean clothing, all required at random times. Babies are very high maintenance, and therefore if you can get one step ahead, it is always a good idea. If you are about to leave your baby at a kindergarten or day centre, here are some absolute essentials to include in your baby bag.

  1. Diapers – No parent should leave home without these, and for good measure, include one for every hour your baby will be out, plus add two more, just to be safe. Modern diapers are small and easy to put on, and you can never have enough, especially when out for a complete day. It is always a good idea to leave one packet in the car, as this will eventually be a life saver at some point.
  1. Wipes – These amazing little inventions are a parent’s best friend, as they can remove just about anything, keeping baby clean and hygienic, and we all know just how often a spill occurs. The best wipes come in a sachet, and are easy to use and throw away, and the wipe remains moist as it is packaged in a foil sachet. A roll of tissue will always come in handy, not for the baby, but for cleaning up table tops and other areas.
  1. Baby Lotion is an effective cleaner, and is soothing for the soft skin, with a pleasant smell. If you are living in Western Australia, and are looking for child care centres in Perth, there are several established centres that will encourage your child to develop in a safe and natural environment. One such centre is Little Peoples Place, where your child can explore and learn with qualified staff, and with many branches across the city, there will be one nearby. Your baby’s development is critical in the first 12 months, and being surrounded by adults who know how to bring out the best in a young child.
  1. Extra Clothes must be included, along with a small hand towel, as accidents do tend to happen, especially with babies around. Baby outfits should be comfortable and not too tight as this might restrict movement, and that can make for an unhappy child, especially with so many interesting things to explore.
  1. Powdered Milk and a baby bottle, if that is, you are not breastfeeding, and this should be prepared in advance and the top secured over the teat to keep it clean. One bottle might suffice, but if you are not sure how long you will be out, another bottle wouldn’t go amiss. Hungry babies have a habit of letting you know, so don’t get caught out on this one.

Being prepared comes as second nature to most parents, and taking care of the baby is a pleasure that can only be experienced by a parent, and with the right preparation, every outing will also be a pleasant experience.