Hypertension: When to See a Cardiologist


Most people try to exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet because we all know that there are a multitude of negative health conditions that can arise if we don’t lead healthy lives. Of course, there’s always a chance you’ll become inflicted with a nasty illness no matter what your lifestyle, but you can minimise the risk of a number of diseases by living as healthily as possible. Unfortunately, there are a number of health conditions that have very few symptoms, but if they’re ignored, there can be dire consequences.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a health condition that affects as many as one in four people, and yet most people who are suffering from the condition are unaware that they have it. Even though hypertension is usually symptomless, it may lead to conditions such as strokes, heart disease, heart failure, and heart attacks if neglected. And that’s why it’s a good idea to head to a WA cardiology clinic as soon as possible if you feel you might have high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce your blood pressure, but it’s best to speak to a medical professional to find out which methods will work best for you.

In addition to strokes, it could lead to other serious conditions. You may even find hypertension and dizziness as vagus nerve damage symptoms along with HRV (Heart Rate Variability). As such circulatory-related conditions could be affected by and affect other bodily functions, and it could pose a real danger to the quality of life. Therefore, getting a proper diagnosis could help develop a definitive course of action with regard to health and lifestyle.

When it really comes down to it, the only way to test for hypertension is to have a trained medical professional test your blood pressure. Of course, you’ll want to know that the professional you speak to is trained to the highest standards. Access Cardiology is an example of a clinic that only employs qualified cardiologists to test for hypertension. Below, this article will detail when it might be the right time to see a cardiologist.

Signs of Hypertension

Even though the symptoms of hypertension are usually unnoticeable, there are a few signs that indicate you might need to get checked out, which are as follows:

  • Your age – As aforementioned, hypertension affects up to one in four people, but most people who are suffering from this condition are over the age of 40. If you are aged 40 or over and have never been tested for hypertension, now might be the time to visit a reputable cardiologist.
  • Your lifestyle – A lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet can both lead to hypertension, so if you think you haven’t lived as healthily as you should have, it might be a good idea to visit a cardiologist. Even if you’ve recently adopted a new healthy lifestyle, you might want to get checked out.
  • You’ve noticed internal pain – Hypertension can lead to many negative health conditions such as heart disease and kidney failure, so if you’ve started feeling pain on a regular basis, now is the time to have your blood pressure checked. Don’t be anxious, not all pain leads to cancer! Pain in the kidneys can also be due to stone or infection and undergoing a CT Urogram in New Jersey (if that’s where you are based) can help identify the cause of the pain. Once it has been identified, timely treatment can prevent further complications.

Return to a Healthy Lifestyle

The good news is that there are many things you can do to reduce your blood pressure and avoid suffering from hypertension, but you need to seek medical advice before you make any decisions. As long as you speak to a qualified cardiologist, you’ll be able to reduce your blood pressure and return to a healthy lifestyle.