Why Spending Time Outdoors Is Good For Your Mental And Physical Health

Health Lifestyle

Lots of people spend most of their time indoors, while either working, cooking or enjoying family time. While, this is great for everyone involved, they are missing out on a lot. Nature has a lot to offer everyone, especially the young and very old. If you are not spending time outdoors, it is highly likely that you are not familiar with its health benefits. The outdoors is beckoning you and your family to explore what it has to offer, so lets find out exactly what you have been missing out on.

Sunlight – Vitamin D

When you walk outside your door on a clear day, you will be met by the sunlight. The sun is a wonderful greeting, whether you are lying in your bed and just waking up or venturing outdoors. Scientific research shows that the light produced by the sun is natural and will help you wake up feeling revived and happy. With this in mind, just imagine what the sunlight will do for your mental status, when you spend 15 minutes under its glare.

When the sun’s rays hit your skin, a process begins, which involves the production of Vitamin D. This essential vitamin will help combat depression, osteoporosis and cancer. However, it is crucial to limit your time in the direct sunlight, especially during the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 5:00pm. This is the time, when the sun is at its highest peak and will increase your exposure to UV rays.

Physically Active

Staying indoors means that you are going to be limited on space for physical activities. Of course, you can walk up and down the steps or from room to room, but this will not be adequate enough. Spending time outdoors will provide you with plenty of space to exercise and activities to partake in. Not only can you freely jog down the road, but you can also scale the highest mountain on your own terms. The outdoors is a welcoming place to do whatever you want, as long as it is within your means.

Improve Your Mood

It is a fact that individuals, who suffer from mental illness will isolate themselves indoors. But, did you know that spending too much time indoors alone could cause mental illness? When you are alone, you will have too much time to think about your problems. You will sit around and stew on your problems so much that it will begin to consume your life. You will become so isolated that you will not want to venture outdoors, just to retrieve the mail from the mailbox. And, while you may be able to help manage the feelings with products from somewhere like green genie, one of the very best ways to improve your mood and overall mental health is by getting outside.

Outdoor Retreats

You do not need a bucket load of money to visit an outdoor retreat. In fact, you can visit the Anasazi Foundation at any time, without breaking the bank. There is nothing more special than spending time in nature, with those you love. Spending times with strangers is not so bad either, when you are spending it underneath the big blue sky.