Vaping causes less harm to your health than smoking – How much is this true?


All the recent studies that are being done off late proves that vaping is much better than smoking. Since the Public Health England stated that electronic cigarettes are 95% safe than smoking tobacco cigarettes, these devices have started gaining momentum. The Cancer Research UK has also lend their support to vaping as they are all fighting against smoking and other diseases related to smoking such as cancer. In the year 2016, electronic cigarettes have helped 50 people in a day to quit smoking. Isn’t this a really positive statistic to be proud of?

If you wish to try E-cigarettes by V2 Cigs UK, you need to know whether or not they’re actually less harmful for your health as compared to tobacco cigarettes. Now how are you supposed to decipher whether or not e-cigarettes are actually safer and a healthier alternative than smoking? Read on to get some ideas.

Nicotine – Correcting the misconceptions

Whenever people smoke cigarettes, they consume nicotine which is almost a lethal mixture of carbon monoxide and 70 other chemicals that can lead to cancer. If you thought nicotine is the main cancer-causing element in smoking, you were wrong because it causes little or no harm. The smoke that you inhale from products like cigarettes is the ultimate culprit.

This causes all sorts of diseases like cancer and heart issues and even leads to death. These findings have resulted from years of research in oncology, by varied cancer specialists and radiologists working in eminent firms like Sheffield Oncology (, for those interested) and elsewhere. As such, it is essential to be aware of the potential consequences of smoking. It is also essential to make sure that those around us are also aware of the risks it poses to our health.

There are presently many alternative products that have been invented to help people in quitting smoking like patches, nicotine gums, and nicotine lozenges which don’t burn the tobacco but they’re much less harmful. Researchers have found that the chemicals which are found in e-cigarettes are far below the levels that you find in cigarettes. The Royal College of Physicians also offered evidence that said that electronic cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking.

Apart from that, vaping more contentious substances like marijuana is also believed to be growing rapidly just because of its less harmful after-effects, with little notice from public health officials. In fact, millions of people inhale marijuana (look for top-shelf weed from websites like get kush) through sleek devices and cartridges filled with flavored cannabis oils rather than joints or pipes filled with burning leaves.

What makes e-cigarettes famous?

Then what is it that makes so many people choose e-cigs over tobacco cigarettes? Where lays the sweet spot? Cigarettes are considered to be the most toxic and addictive nicotine product which has surpassed the popularity and acceptance of all other tobacco replacement therapies like patches or gums. The e-liquids and their flavors, of which you can find many in reputed online stores such as (click here) and others, are the main reasons behind finding e-cigarettes to be so interesting and one more fact is that they can help smokers quit smoking as well.

Hence, whenever you’re wondering about whether to vape or smoke, you should definitely consider the former as they cause much less harm to your health than the smoke that you inhale from tobacco cigarettes.