5 Creative Ideas That Will Spice Up Date Night


Sustaining a healthy relationship with a partner is hard work. Relationships of any kind take time and effort from every party involved. Unfortunately, it may become more difficult to spark interest and excitement in a partner over time.

Life is full of daily challenges and obligations that distract from our romantic creativity. Luckily, there is hope. Spicing up date night is easier than one may think. Here are a few creative date night ideas that will spice up a long-awaited date night.

Indulge in fine dining

Going on a date night at a fancy restaurant might seem like old school, but it’s still a wonderful way to spend quality time together.

You might choose to explore a Japanese restaurant, indulging in delicious sushi, or perhaps opt for a Lebanese spot to savor some mouthwatering hummus and falafel. And if you are both in the mood for some juicy steaks, why not check out a steakhouse miami or another location? No matter where you end up, what truly matters is creating lasting memories, having a wonderful time, and making each other happy.

The blind date box adds variety.

The blind date box is filled with random date themes. Take turns picking randomly from the box and make dating a mysterious adventure. Throw ideas in the box whenever inspiration strikes.

For example, a date night themed “explosive” could involve a nuclear fallout scenario. Another entry into the blind date box could feature a movie theme. Picture a date night themed around the popular ‘90’s movie, “Ghost.”

Plan a private cocktail party.

Set up a private cocktail party for that special someone. After a long day’s work, greet a loved one with shakers, a martini, and a note requesting their presence in the back yard. Set up blankets in the grass and a warm bonfire for ambiance. Break out the fancy glasses, and loosen up a bit.

The presence of a hot tub will always make this idea a tiny bit spicier, but it is not a necessary accessory. Creativity is far more sexy to most people than a yard full of expensive toys.

Enhance the senses.

Intimacy comes easier with heightened senses. Tease someone with the smell of a new cologne or the look and feel of a silky dress. When the chemistry is already present, arousing the senses only makes everything better.

Wear a brighter shade of red lipstick or share some dark chocolates. Taste is also a fun and tantalizing tool. Try preparing foods that are known aphrodisiacs to help spice up the atmosphere.

Sketch one another in the buff or watch a movie.

If the goal is to create a deeper level of intimacy between partners, then consider a drawing session. Play some soft music in the background and practice drawing each other’s specific curves and crevices. Study each other’s faces and form. It is incredibly sexy and forces the two people to take the time to indulge in the other’s physical design. Besides sketching, you can also indulge in watching horror movies (you can get a full list of upcoming horror movies if you visit the website of hell horror) with each other if the aim is to create a deeper level of intimacy.

A horror movie can give you a reason to put your arm around your partner, or snuggle up to each other without seeming super needy. The truth is that while watching a horror movie on a date, individuals experience levels of fear that can mirror reactions to arousal. The feeling of being scared while watching a horror movie releases a chemical called Dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for our “fun” response to our external stimuli. It is also what makes us feel love attraction toward our partners.